
Manuka honey for IBS: A natural remedy to support gut health

Did you know that high MGO-grade medicinal Manuka honey can be used as a secret weapon to help alleviate IBS symptoms?

Not only does Manuka honey help prevent harmful bacteria (like the nasty ones that cause food poisoning and post-infectious IBS), it also helps fight bugs and stimulate good bacteria. This, in turn, helps alleviate uncomfortable IBS symptoms and reduce IBS flare ups.

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Diabetes: Manuka Honey Benefits for Diabetics
Manuka honey, renowned for its numerous health benefits, has long been recognised as a natural sugar alternative. However, recent studies have revealed its potential to offer significant advantages for diabetic patients struggling with peptic stomach ulcers and foot ulcers that resist conventional treatment methods.
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Food As Medicine
Hippocrates said: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". When we eat a balanced diet and do not overconsume, we give our body the best chance to maintain health. Adding Manuka honey to our daily diet can improve our gut health and immunity, reduce inflammation and even improve our mental health. 
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