Why is Manuka honey expensive?

Australian Manuka is a long recognised product that is different from other types of honey and there are compelling reasons for this. But how does it differ from the same healthy linden or buckwheat honey? That’s for us to discover.
Bees working hard
Shall we start with the fact that the bees that harvest Manuka Honey are not much different from their counterparts who collect other types of honey, but there are still things to note. It is important to mention that there are two types of bees that are used all over the world: these are Italian and Carniolan. Each bee goes a very long way to get Manuka. The average distance is from 4 to 6 kilometers. This is a significant effort, especially for a bee.
Special features in collecting
In a previous article, we told you what monofloral honey is. But how do you know that bees collect nectar from the Manuka bush only, and not from any other flowers? To ensure that bees have one source of nectar, we place their hives closer to the places where the Manuka tree grows and when it begins to bloom.
Another advantage of collecting monofloral nectar is the flowering time of Manuka. At a time when all other types of trees and bushes with nectar are in hibernation, Manuka blooms in all its glory. This period lasts from March to September. It is important to say that as soon as the bees have chosen one source of nectar, the entire colony will work with these flowers until the nectar runs out. After collecting honey, there is checking for the amount of pollen and the level of activity. The fact that honey is predominantly monofloral is another point of why Manuka Honey is so expensive.
Manuka tree or Tea tree, as well as its derivative, are very rare plants. They're native only to Australia and New Zealand.
Manuka honey is the rarest honey in the world — it accounts for only about 1% of the total honey available today.
In addition, there are some difficulties in harvesting.
Manuka blooms only from two to six weeks a year
Bees only have 12 days to collect nectar from flowers
Weather conditions: changeable weather, rain, wind, cold evenings
Sweet helper
Manuka honey is champagne in the world of honey. Pollen is an important component here because it gives honey unique health-related properties, namely antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. All these properties will help you to be in excellent condition, as well as boost your immune system. Manuka Honey is capable of more, but it depends on the level of MGO in each jar. The presence of this chemical compound makes this honey really useful. Thus, for the prevention of colds and to soothe a sore throat, you will need honey with a level of MGO 250+, and for more serious health problems, such as burns and stomach diseases will fit Australian Manuka with MGO 550+.
The fact that Manuka may help with various health concerns has been proven by various studies. This type of honey has powerful properties that help fight bacteria, which cause infections.
Uniqueness is not on everyone's agenda
Some brands in the market dilute their honey to make it more affordable. Unfortunately, diluted honey loses its beneficial antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, so this practice is something that the authentic honey makers stay away from.
Biosota also invest in regular Manuka honey testing through several independently accredited laboratories to check for the presence of antimicrobial properties in honey and prove its quality and authenticity.
Why isn’t it FDA approved?
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