Difference between Ordinary Honey and Manuka Honey

Honey is used as a substitute for sugar, served for dessert with tea, and our grandmothers have always used it as an integral drug for treating colds. The dessert produced by bees has never lost its popularity, but relatively recently acquired a competitor represented by Manuka Honey.
What it is, what does it go with? Whether this new product is so good or not? There’s a lot to talk about in this article. We will also shatter the myths that are transmitted from generation to generation and find out which honey is better.

Ordinary honey and its advantages
Honey is not a special food, but almost all people on the planet love it and ready to eat this dessert with every cup of tea. Every second person always uses this sweetness in his ration. However, like any other product, honey can cause allergies. To be more precise, flower pollen is an allergy stimulant.
Bee honey is one of the most complex natural resources. Honey comprises more than 300 different components. We hardly think you can find such a natural product that would have as many amino acids as honey on the shelves of a supermarket.
The digestibility of honey is good, because it is somewhat reminiscent of human blood serum in composition.
The following list contains a bee honey composition:
- Carbohydrates
- Fructose
- Glucose
- Organic acids (give honey a sour taste)
- Minerals
- Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, H, PP, E, C)
- Enzymes (accelerate decomposition and synthesis reactions)
- Essential oils
- Iron
- Calcium
- Water (15-21%)
Manuka Honey
Every time, every search for honey give people absolutely new word “Manuka”. They can’t immediately understand what it is and what it’s about. This is a completely new name for most lovers of this sweet. Manuka is honey made exclusively from self-titled beautiful melliferous bush.
Manuka honey is a unique honey, as it has unusual properties that are not inherent in ordinary honey. The bees that collect this honey are no different from their associates, but still there is a difference between them.
Manuka Honey has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. But there is one important part for which Manuka Honey is so appreciated, it is NPA. Honey which contains a large amount of NPA, is not only useful, but also a therapeutic product. These three letters indicate Non-peroxide activity, which was previously called antibacterial activity. In simple words - this is an antiseptic property of honey. This activity resists the effects of light and heat, helping to preserve all the beneficial properties of Manuka.
Measurement System
In order to choose honey with the greatest efficiency, you need to look at the NPA indicator. If you want to buy just tasty honey as a substitute for sweets and sugar, then choose Manuka honey with a small value, for example, NPA 5. If you want to treat a cold or have some kind of inflammation, or you want to use honey as a preventive measure, then you should look for jars with a higher index, for example, Manuka Honey NPA 15 or 25.
Manuka Honey Benefits
We can talk endlessly about the advantages of this wonderful delicacy, but let’s focus on the most basic ones. The secret of Manuka’s tasty and healthy honey lies not only in its beneficial properties, but also in the environment where it’s extracted.
Anyone will begin to bloom like flowers in early spring, if clean air, beautiful views and the ocean nearby surround him. Manuka honey is extracted specially for this environment of Australia. This is an island near the Pacific Ocean where thrive happy people and grow the beautiful trees of Manuka. This area is not littered with chemical pollution, and the industry here is mainly food and forestry. Another advantage of honey is the Tea Tree itself. People use its flowers, leaves and roots for useful decoctions, lotions, teas and cosmetics.
Beekeeping in Australia is actively supported by the government, which also monitors the production of Manuka honey. This ensures the production of pure honey without the addition of sucrose and syrups.
We have already talked about mindfulness when choosing honey, namely an indicator of usefulness. Because the antibacterial property in honey is higher in jars with NPA 10 or higher.
The benefits of this delicacy do not end there. Manuka Honey contains a number of components useful for the human body:
- Proteins
- Antioxidants
- Amino acids
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Iodine
- Phosphorus
- Vitamins A, B, E, C, PP, N
It is an absurd idea at first glance to use honey for the health of teeth and mouth, because honey, like sweets has sugar. However, Manuka honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to combat the above problems.
Strep throat can catch any person by surprise in any season, whether it's a hot summer or winter. Manuka honey will be an excellent additional
remedy for an unpleasant disease. The choice should be stopped at Manuka with NPA 10 and NPA 15 – this honey has sufficient antibacterial activity.
Manuka honey is also good at treating digestive disorders. This liquid sweetness will help calm your stomach and reduce the discomfort of the digestive tract.
Manuka honey is contraindicated to
- Children under one year old
- People with pollen allergies
- Those with increased acidity
- In the presence of rosacea
Please, follow the instructions below:
- You can add honey to tea or milk but the temperature of the drink should be no more than 45 degrees.
- Eat no more than 2 tablespoons per day
- Do not add to various dishes instead of sugar
Wow so fun absolutely good information
I searched a lot for this information.
Thank you for sharing. 🌹
I use it to mask my face and its great
I healed my Mom’s MRSA with Manuka honey MGO 550 and her pressure sore with Manuka honey MGO 400.
Thanks. I use this to heal open wounds on my dogs!! It’s great!
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