What is BIOSOTA manuka honey used for?

Honey has been used as a medicine for many thousands of years, across many different cultures including the Ancient Greeks, Romans and Chinese. It was mostly as a wound dressing and for other therapeutic benefits.
After playing an important role in the medical tradition of many peoples for millennia, honey was “rediscovered” by modern medicine as a topical agent for treating wounds and burns. The healing properties of honey have been scientifically highlighted by numerous studies, laboratory experiments and clinical trials performed during the last century.
In the 1960s it fell out of favor as chemical laboratories pushed man made alternatives or highly active antibiotics instead. However, increasing resistance to antibiotics in modern society and new fields of research have revived interest in honey for its healing properties and new methods of treatment.
Manuka honey has been proven to provide additional health benefits. One of the key beneficial ingredients is MGO. MGO stands for methylglyoxal, the naturally occurring compound that makes BIOSOTA organic so special.
The higher the MGO content the higher the grade of honey, and the greater the potential health benefits. Certified for MGO potency, purity and quality – every jar off BIOSOTA honey is vigorously tested so you can trust that the premium organic MGO honey is exactly what it promises to be.
The MGO number tells you how much MGO is in your jar of honey. The higher the MGO content the higher the grade of honey.
Honey has been tested on the skin, wounds and mucosal membranes, where topical treatment is possible and it appears to stimulate healing and reduce scarring.
It is also widely used by people to support immune and digestive health. It can help soothe sore throats and coughs.
Good for your skin
In 2007 the US FDA approved manuka honey as a skin treatment. MGO 1200+ honey is considered “medical grade” and therapeutic for the skin. It contains the beneficial compounds that provide Manuka’s unique topical antibacterial and health benefits, including support for wound healing, combatting staph infection and helping treat scarring and acne.
It has been proven to create an “acidic” wound environment which is beneficial for healing.
A scientific study in 2014 discovered that manuka wound dressings, when combined with conventional wound treatment, healed diabetic ulcers better than conventional treatment alone and significantly improved healing time and disinfected wounds in patients with diabetic ulcers.
Another study proved it was more useful against eyelid wounds than Vaseline or other non-natural remedies.
One way to improve your daily skin care regime is to include some honey in homemade face masks.
Fight allergies
While more research needs to be done many seasonal allergy sufferers swear by a few teaspoons of honey every day. The theory behind it is that the pollen in the honey helps build up an immunity to the pollen in the air.
It is important to buy 100 percent pure honey, some products that are sold as honey are really watered-down, high-fructose-corn-syrup-filled imitations. Crystallization in your honey is a good sign that you've purchased high quality honey.
Various trials have proven that that honey is effective in cleaning infected wound and it prevents wounds from becoming infected. On trial showed:
“Gangrenous and necrotic tissues were debrided easily and were replaced quickly with granulation tissue and advancing, progressive epithelialization. Studies highlighted fast cleansing and enzymatic or chemical debridement of wounds after application of honey, with the absence of eschar forming on burns.”
Honey is remarkably nutrient-rich and full of unique complex natural compounds that work with our bodies to support total wellbeing.
Made by bees to protect and defend their hive, propolis provides immune support and antioxidant properties that offer broad support for immunity and overall wellbeing.
Oral Health
Manuka honey is also good for oral health. MGO decreases harmful oral bacteria that causes mucositis, a side effect of chemotherapy and radiation. Mucositis results in inflammation and painful ulcerations of the membranes lining the esophagus and digestive tract.
Not only does manuka honey attack harmful bacteria, it also protects the lining of the throat for a soothing effect.
Improve gut heath
Manuka honey has been proven to improve gut health and reduce the inflammation that causes common complaints like diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation and other digestive tract issues. Experts believe that it can fights against the bad bacteria in your gut to heal and soothe digestion, build immunity and prevent infections. It’s also used against the bacteria responsible for common stomach.
If you want to use it as a food or remedy it is better to look for a higher MGO rating. Whether you are just taking a few teaspoons every day or adding to a favourite recipe or tonic, the higher the MGO the greater the levels of antimicrobial activity.
All manuka honey is raw and unpasteurized to best preserves its beneficial live enzymes and other compounds.
Independent research
Independent research has also shown that manuka trees in the area where BIOSOTA harvests have significantly higher levels of cinteole and monoterpines – further resulting in superior quality organic honey with greater health benefits.
Direct from the farm in Mount Kuring-gai, Australia to your door and certified for MGO potency, purity and quality – every jar produced by BIOSOTA is vigorously tested so you can trust that our premium organic MGO manuka honey is exactly what it promises to be.
Don't forget to visit ours Manuka Honey page: https://biosota.com.au/collections/manuka-honey/
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