Biosota Manuka Squad Rewards Program
Biosota's Manuka Squad is a loyalty program that gives our customers access to exclusive perks, attractive discounts, and a fun way to engage every time you log in to our store. Earn points for actions like creating a customer account, placing an order, celebrating a birthday or sharing the love on social media. Plus, you can give A$25 discount to your friends and get the discount once they've made their first purchase!
Create an Account
Joining is easy, simply create an account with us and earn 200 points.
Shop and Earn
Earn Bio points every time you shop, you get 5 points for every A$1 spent. You can then use your points for discounts on your next order.
Leave a Review
Leave us a review and earn 150 points. Get an additional 50 points for adding a photo to your review!
Share on Socials
Earn 30 points for following Biosota on Instagram and liking our Facebook page. Get an additional 50 Bio points for sharing on Facebook!
Celebrate a Birthday
That's right, receive 100 Bio points every year for your birthday because we love to be part of celebrations!
Refer a friend and you both receive A$25 off
Share the Manuka Squad goodness with a friend and you will both receive A$25 off when they make a purchase.
Have a question?
It's easy to get started by creating an account here :
Your points are valid for 12 months.
Great question, share the love.
Once you are part of Biosota's Manuka Squad and logged in, you can access your unique referral link in your dashboard. Just click on the Rewards pop up at the bottom right of your screen when logged in and scroll down to Refer your friends section. There will be a link there that you can directly send to your friends via social media or email. Alternatively, you can copy it and send. Your friend will be able to claim their A$25 off and once they've completed their purchase, you will receive your A$25 off voucher.
Once you are part of Biosota's Manuka Squad and logged in, you can access your points balance in your dashboard. Just click on the Rewards pop up at the bottom right of your screen when logged in to see your points balance.
You can redeem your points and use them for a discount on your next order. Click on the Rewards pop-up at the bottom right of your screen when logged in and then click Ways to redeem. Here, the dashboard will show you a yellow Redeem button and once you click on it, the next screen will show you your unique discount coupon. Click on Apply code which will automatically add this discount code to your cart. Your cart can be empty at this step, the discount code will still be in your cart, even if you add products after you’ve selected to apply the code. Please note that all reward points are calculated based on Australian Dollars.